Are you making the most of your 3 business multipliers?

"Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says,

'Make me feel important.'

Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life."

Mary Kay Ash

How many ways do you think there are to grow a business?

You may be surprised to learn there are just three.

Each one of these is what I call a 'Business Multiplier'.

If you want to grow your business quickly then you need to be making the most of all three of these multipliers.

But if you're like the other business owners I've met, I bet you're not using even one of these effectively - let alone all three.

And that applies to established businesses equally as much as to start ups.

So what are these business multipliers?

Well, they are:

MULTIPLIER 1: Lead Generation - Getting More Qualified Leads

MULTIPLIER 2: Sales Conversion - Generating More Customers From Your Leads

MULTIPLIER 3: Customer Maximisation: which includes:

· increasing the average value of each sale

· getting your customer to buy different things from you

· increasing the number of times a customer buys from you

· getting more referrals from your delighted customers

· increasing how long the customer stays with you

A small increase in each of these can have a dramatic increase on your sales.

So take a look at your sales process and identify your multipliers.

Once you've identified them you can start improving them - because remember:

what gets measured gets managed


what gets managed gets improved.

So how do you increase each of these?

Well, the Business Growth System is full of useful low cost and no cost ideas.

And all our clients get it for free.

Spread the word!

Why Friendly

We work with businesses and contractors/freelancers who want to embrace the world of online software and the benefits this brings. Using technology to help our clients is at the core of everything we do.

So if you'd like to find out more, just give a call or drop us an email - no hard sell.

Just friendly, professional advice!

Who we are

We're a small team with over 50 years experience of working with small businesses.

So we're in a unique position to understand the challenges that you face every day in your business.

And what's more, we're fully professionally qualified so you can be sure that your affairs are in safe hands.

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